What started as a friendly game has turned into a record shattering hide-and-go-seek competition between horse Klappy McRooney and dog Hides Pillthrower. For seventeen straight weeks now Hides has been hidden from the blind eyes of Klappy. Farmer McRooney comments on his prize winning champ of a dog.
"That has nothing to do games, I keep my horses blind and my dogs on top of them. Thank you."
Hides was originally purchased as a seeing-eye dog for the blind horse, but as we all know, dogs can be quite good at joking with horses. At the time of this article Hides was well in the lead of Klappy, as noted on the side of the barn scratched in by the cow referee. And although tied to a pole, Klappy searches tirelessly for his canine buddy. I look forward to the end of the contest, either the horse will die or find out he's been fooled so badly he'll die. Until then.
-Hal Cronweld